
Bailey Tomkinson’s Silent Suffering is a perfect slice of pop/rock country showing UK country artists are creating their own authentic sound.

It feels odd reviewing a song that has already achieved Number 1 in the iTunes UK Country single chart and the accompanying video that pitched Bailey alongside Kylie and Miley Cyrus, but she has released a new edit, tweaked for the radio play it deserves.

The original release of Silent Suffering  was the first song that went on to our Spotify playlist  of new releases by UK country artists (see below for latest version).

The lyrics explore the very stoic British traits of putting on a brave face and not saying out loud how you’re hurting when faced with anxiety and rejection. The second verse ends with quiet defiance that probably no one is listening to;  “So I’ll bleach my hair as a cry for help”.

There is something vulnerable about Bailey’s vocal delivery that makes you think this is very personal and it is the honesty of the lyrics, that like all great songs, makes it relatable.

In contrast to the words, the driving rhythm and electric guitars are really uplifting and make me smile.

Although produced by Josiah J Manning during lockdown with lyrics delivered by Skype, the sound feels borne out of  idyllic, sunny days and endless Celtic waves of Bailey’s Cornish hometown.

Check out the soft, filtered video that is a wonderful love letter to St Ives.

Bailey is developing her own authentic voice and surf girl sound. Can’t wait to hear what comes next.


Cover Art for Bailey Tomkinsons new release Silent Suffering


Bailey Tomkinson| Silent Suffering



Performed by: Bailey Tomkinson

Written by: Bailey Tomkinson

Produced by: Joshiah Manning

New UK Country Music Guide

We listen to roughly 20-35 new releases a week from UK artists in the contemporary country & Americana genres. Including the lovely sub genres of  Alt Country, Country Pop, Country Rock, Country Swing, Country Soul, Bluegrass, Country Blues and Folk. 

Out of those songs we will choose 7 songs that have grabbed us and celebrate them here.

We have a spotify playlist of all recent relased songs by UK artists please follow and like the link below.

TBCMF will continue to bring Country fans and artists together to celebrate the unique spirit and sense of unity that is at the heart of what our festival stands for.

Please let us know what you think about the songs in the comments below.

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