Who Is Brooke Law?
In September, Brooke Law will take to the stage in Blackpool as part of The British Country Music Festival. Perhaps a new name to some country fans, Law’s style of music spans several genres but at the heart of it all is excellent storytelling.
She has written with Ben Earle of The Shires previously and has been gaining traction ever since she graduated from university with a degree in Songwriting.
We were keen to find out more ahead of her appearance in September.

When did you first know that you wanted to be a musician?
I have wanted to be a singer ever since primary school, probably eight years old. As soon as I understood the lyrics and that somebody must have written them, I begged my parents to get me a guitar for my birthday, which I still play and write all my songs with.
What kind of music did your family play to you on long car journeys, and what are you choosing to listen to now?
All sorts – My Dad played The xx, Massive Attack to Jimi Hendrix and The Beatles and my Mum played Pink and The Ramones.
You studied songwriting at university, how did that impact your career?
It was amazing to meet so many musicians and find out that everybody really has their unique sound and style and it ultimately taught me to push myself and be me.
When it comes to songwriting, where do you draw lyrical inspiration from?
The people I meet will inspire me lyrically. I currently work with young children and they definitely consume most of my ideas at the moment.
Can you tell me the story behind your song ‘Best Regret’?
Best Regret is reflecting on a previous relationship. Knowing it was amazing, but it hurt you so much after. When something is so good, it can only hurt so good too.
How excited are you to play at The British Country Music Festival?
So, so excited, it’s the first year I’m playing festivals, and it’s so amazing to be on a lineup with such awesome musicians. I love seeing my name on the poster too!
What is Country Music?
What is Country music, and what does it mean to you?
Country music, to me, is full of stories and when the artist will take you on a journey that you can relate to and feel part of.
A couple of silly questions, what’s the strangest thing you’ve ever written a song about?
I wrote a song called stuck in a ditch and my Mum said I’ll laugh at that in the future. I remember thinking it was really cool, I had no idea that it didn’t make sense and there was already the saying – stuck in a rut.
On stage, are you completely focused or do you let your mind wander – what’s your mid-gig thoughts?
I always intend to stay focussed but my mind always seems to wander and I have no idea what I’m thinking about. I get so lost in the songs I always forget what I wanted to say in between them. It makes every show different though which is a good thing I guess haha.
What’s next for you?
My next single is out on the 13th of May to raise awareness for Mental Health Week. It’s called ‘We All Need Saving’.
To answer the question, Who is Brooke Law? Meet her at TBCMF in September!
Mental Health Awareness Week is here! We All Need Saving.
The Mental Health Foundation has calculated that there have been over 1.2 million consultations for mental health issues in the last 12 months, with new research showing that a little more than one in five people (21%) will experience a mental health problem at some point this year.
This year, Brooke Law has released ‘We All Need Saving’ for Mental Health Awareness. It’s about recognising that we all need help sometimes and asking for help is a strength, not a weakness. It’s important to look after and listen to each other and we never know when a smile or kind gesture is going to pull someone back from the edge.
Mental health problems affect nearly one in four people in any given week in Britain. But many people still don’t feel comfortable talking openly about mental health issues because of the stigma and discrimination they face.
The Mental Health Foundation wants to change this by making it easier to talk openly about mental health, so we’re encouraging everyone to take part in the campaign during Mental Health Awareness Week (9-15 May).